Adam Norrie

Founder/Chief Executive Officer

Adam Norrie

At just 24, our founder and CEO, Adam Norrie, has already been working professionally in the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency industry since he was 17. After choosing not to study at university, Adam found himself in a London based Bitcoin startup, shortly after graduating from his A-Levels, and never looked back. Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are a major passion of Adams and since founding Astralis, he has worked and advised on a number of projects globally. Astralis now has operations in London, Gibraltar, India, Singapore and Hong Kong. When he isn’t working on building the next generation of financial products, Adam can be found meditating on the Rock of Gibraltar, researching the existence of extraterrestrials and studying history. History has always been a fascinating subject for Adam and he is well-read in the subject and holds the belief that much of the progress of humankind made in antiquity has been lost to modern ideas and concepts.

Aut viam inviniam aut faciam - Hannibal

(I shall find a way, or make one)